「世界文化遺産のキリシタンの里へ 〜長崎・外海(そとめ)を訪ねるオンラインツアー」

Virtual tour visiting Sotome in Nagasaki, Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region, World Cultural Heritage

Sotome is one of the hidden Christian sites in Nagasaki , a 40 minute drive from the city centre
and also the setting of the novel Silence written by Endo Shusaku, which is also became a movie directed by Martin Scorsese.
Though there are many hidden Christian sites in Nagasaki Region and very deep in history, we would focus on some episodes about Sotome, not cover all of them.
This virtual tour of Sotome offers a chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery, to learn about the special history of this place and to meet with warm-hearted local people, such as a descendant of Hidden Christians and a Catholic nun. Won’t you come with us on this tour?

Tour guide: Miyuki Ogawa

  1. We will start the tour form the 26 Martyrs across from JR Nagasaki Station in Nagasaki
  2. In Kurosaki village, we will visit the Hidden Christian Cultural museum, prayer rock and Karematsu shrine, the sacred place for the Hidden Christian.
  3. In Shitsu village, we will visit the former Shitsu Aid center which was built by Father de Rotz from Paris Foreign Mission.
  4. Q&A session

Date: 4p.m.( JST) Saturday, 28th November 2020
7a.m.(GMT)Saturday, 28th November 2020

Duration: About 1 hour
Language: English
Meeting Point: zoom with your device
Tour ticket: JPY 2,000/device (pc, tablet)
To register: jigyobu@k-itg.or.jp
Please send us your contact information by E-mail.
① Name
② Member ship number (only for member of K-iTG)
③ Address
④ Telephone number
⑤ E-mail address to send you the zoom link
④ Nationality
We will send you an invoice with Square if you live in foreign countries.
The tour will be recorded for viewing at later time for people who register.

「世界文化遺産のキリシタンの里へ 〜長崎・外海(そとめ)を訪ねるオンラインツアー」


担当ガイド: 小川美由紀
使用言語 英語
1. 長崎市内の26聖人殉教地にある資料館からスタートします。
2. 黒崎集落では、潜伏キリシタンのご子孫である松川さんの案内で、潜伏キリシタン文化資料館、祈りの岩、枯松神社を訪れます。
3. 出津集落では、パリ外国宣教会宣教師 ドロ神父が建てられた旧出津救助院をシスターのご案内で尋ねます。

日程:2020年11月28日(土)午後4時―5時 (約1時間)

ツアー料金:2,000円 (パソコンまたはタブレット、スマートフォン1台につき)
申込先: jigyobu@k-itg.or.jp
① 氏名
② 会員番号(K-iTG 会員のみ)
③ 住 所
④ リンクを送るメールアドレス
⑤ 電話番号
⑥ 日本国外の方は国籍


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