対象:中学生、高校生、大学生、教員、一般の方 会場:西日本シティ銀行本店7階大会議室 〒812-0011 福岡市博多区博多駅前 3-1-1 主催:一般社団法人 日本英語交流連盟 (The English-Speaking Union of Japan: ESUJ) 協賛:西日本シティ銀行、福岡日英協会 後援:ブリティッシュ・カウンシル、一般社団法人 日本高校生パーラメンタリーディベート連盟 (HPDU of Japan) メディアパートナー:読売新聞社 注意事項:ESUJ の記録担当が撮影したものに関しては、後日 ESUJ のホームページ、協賛・後援・協力団体への報告書、ESUJ についての説明会や講演で使用することがあります。ご了承下さい。 一般社団法人 日本英語交流連盟 The English-Speaking Union of Japan (ESUJ)
「新たな通訳案内士制度のあり方に関する検討会」等で、議論されておりました全国通訳案内士が着用できるバッジに関して、現在、観光庁にて以下<バッジ導入プロセス>の通り、バッジの導入に向けた取り組みを進めています。 ____________________________________________ <バッジ導入プロセス> ① バッジデザイン4案を作成 ② デザイン4案から希望のデザインを問う全国通訳案内士のみが投票可能な投票サイトにて投票を実施(令和2年2月3日~2月14日まで) ③「全国通訳案内士バッジデザイン選考委員会」にてデザインを決定 ____________________________________________
Where will you be on June 5 to 7, 2020? If you’re a translator, interpreter, language-oriented company employee, or otherwise involved in the translation and interpreting professions, we hope you’ll join the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) to learn, network, build your skillset, and exchange ideas at the 31st International Japanese-English Translation (IJET) Conference in Fukuoka, Japan. IJET will take place in Elgala Hall in the Tenjin area of central Fukuoka.
IJET-31 in Fukuoka launches on Friday, June 5 with casual translation workshops focused on different specializations. Saturday’s activities will begin with an opening ceremony and keynote speech. A long lunch break for networking and an afternoon full of sessions on translation and interpreting will follow. A Fukuoka-accented Saturday evening banquet will conclude the day (unless of course you want to venture to a yatai, izakaya, or tonkotsu ramen joint with colleagues for a nijikai). Sunday will feature a whole day of educational sessions on translation, interpreting, and other relevant topics. JAT will hold its Ordinary General Meeting during IJET, giving JAT members the opportunity to learn about the association’s activities, vote, and meet JAT’s Board of Directors.
IJET is the flagship development and networking event of JAT (https://jat.org/), which was founded in 1985 to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among translators working between Japanese and English and to establish and maintain professional standards in the industry. JAT members enjoy a wide array of opportunities and resources for professional development and networking and receive discounted admission to IJET conferences and other JAT events.
Fukuoka is Kyushu’s largest and most happening city. Foodies and shoppers will love the many eating, drinking, and shopping opportunities provided by Fukuoka’s two central business districts (Tenjin and Hakata). Walkers and hikers will love Fukuoka’s many parks, beaches, green spaces, and temple areas, all easily reached via Fukuoka’s extensive public transportation system. Tourists with an extra day or two will love journeying to one of Kyushu’s many crown jewels, which include Mt. Aso, Yakushima, Beppu/Yufuin, Nagasaki, and Kagoshima.
Fukuoka is a quick trip from most places in and even outside Japan. Kanto residents flying from Haneda will arrive in less than two hours, and international flights from more than a dozen cities are available. Those departing in or west of Kansai will probably find taking the Shinkansen easier than flying. Once you’ve de-planed or de-trained, you’ll find getting to the IJET venue in Tenjin a cakewalk. Tenjin is just three subway stops from Hakata Station and five subway stops from the airport.